9 Things That Can Weaken Your Immune System

The immune system is very important when it comes to disease prevention. The decrease in immunity function makes you more vulnerable to conditions caused by bacterial, parasitic, fungal and viral infections. It also increases the risks of cancerous growth inside the body.

Various external influences can weaken our immunity. Every person who takes care of his/her health should know things that may have a negative effect on immunity. This is extremely important now, during a pandemic.

1. Sedentary lifestyle

Moderate physical activity increases blood flow. This promotes the process of removing toxic waste out of your body. Increased blood flow also raises the white blood cell level. Even a short 30 minutes walk a few times a week can help your immune system work better.

2. Poor diet

Prolonged consumption of sugary foods and foods containing chemical additives can weaken the immune system. It makes you more vulnerable to different viral infections and chronic conditions. Three cans of sweetened drinks (about 100 g of sugar) hampered the ability of white blood cells to fight infections for up to 5 next hours.

A healthy diet must consist of plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits. Taking a vitamin supplement or stem cell therapy may boost your immune system ability to fight infections.

3. Dehydration

A good hydration level is vital for human health. Liquids help eliminate byproducts of different illnesses and help the immunity fight infection. Dehydration affects the body’s ability to get rid of toxic waste.

4. Isolation

Social distancing is associated with higher risks of mental conditions like depression. Depression increases stress level. This affects our immunity and decreases its main function to resist infections.

If you can’t leave your home to meet friend use all other possible methods to do this. Video chat or a phone call can help you decrease the negative effects of social distancing.

5. Certain medications

Some medications are full of toxins that we put into our bodies. Their excessive use leads to a decrease in the immune system function. For example, people who take antibiotics have low levels of cytokines. This is a signaling hormone that mediates and regulates immunity and inflammations.

If your immunity is depressed, it increases your chances to catch the infection in the future.

6. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can make your immune system weak. Not sleeping enough doesn’t give your body a  chance to rebuild. Poor sleep is associated with a reduced number of white cells in the blood. White blood cells help our body fight infections. People who don’t get enough sleep at night are more likely to catch a common cold. Good health requires you to get good sleep at night.

7. Smoking

Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals that are extremely toxic to our bodies. Getting into our organisms these chemicals suppress the immune system function. Even secondhand smoke affects your immunity. It can exacerbate allergy symptoms and provoke asthma attacks.

8. Medical conditions

Various medical conditions can affect your immune system’s ability to fight viruses and infections. Some underlying diseases like diabetes, malnutrition or HIV may result in weakened immunity.

Autoimmune diseases like lupus, sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis also weaken the body’s response to real dangers. They cause the immune system to attack healthy cells.

9. Stress

Stress has a major influence on our immune system. Chronic stress raises cortisol levels. This reduces the production of prostaglandins. This hormone-like substance aimed at control of muscle contractions, blood vessels constrictions, blood pressure, and inflammation. This substance also supports our immunity. Chronic stress increases your risks of cold, flu, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious diseases.

By practicing activities that reduce your stress you can prevent your body from going into chronic stress mode- putting your immune system at risk.

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